You've probably heard and/or seen the Capital One advertisement campaign, "What's in your Wallet?" Over the years, the company has enlisted many celebrities (e.g. Jennifer Garner and Samuel L. Jackson come top to mind). I suspect the meaning of the campaign is that it is prestigious to have a credit card with Capital One's name on it in your wallet... that's fair game... and I am good with catchy advertisements.
However, I can't help but to think about what John Wooden would answer if asked the same question.
While the most recognizable emblem of John Wooden is his Pyramid of Success, another well-recognized timeless totem is what's called "the Seven Point Creed" which was handed down to him from his father, Joshua Wooden.
Up until 2010 when he died, Coach Wooden kept a folded-up index card in his wallet with the handwritten Seven Point Creed that his father had given him as a graduation gift.
These seven points are:
- Be true to yourself.
- Help others.
- Make each day your masterpiece.
- Drink deeply from good books, especially the Bible.
- Make friendship a fine art.
- Build a shelter against a rainy day.
- Pray for guidance and count and give thanks for your blessings every day.
Coach Wooden many times was asked if he followed and was able to live up to his father's creed. He would always chuckle softly and answer, "No, but I tried my best and that was all dad expected."
I do think what's in a person's wallet tells a lot about a person. Maybe test it... what exactly is in your wallet?
More information on the Seven Point Creed is featured in the book "Coach 'Em Way Up: 5 Lessons for Leading The John Wooden Way" - on sale now at all major retail outlets.